Australian football league is played only in australia.
The afl positions are spread out evenly on both sides.They have the positions on a oval that has grass on it.
Jerseys are the team jumpers that the Afl players lots of different sports they have team jerseys . Supporters and people who want to buy the teamsJerseys can buy them at afl stores or online websites.every team has a home,away, clash,maybe preseason and maybe heritage jumpers.
There are a lot of rules in Australian football
Rucking -rucking is where the two ruck man try to tap the ball to the ruck rovers .it's happens when the umpire throws the ball up after a goal in the centre circle, where the ball goes out of bounds or after a tackle.skill points
.watch the ball in the air.
.jump if one foot using the arms and other leg to gain lift.
.hit the ball with palm open fingers in the detection you want the ball to go
Tackling- tackling is when a person has the ball and the person the other team wants to get it so they tackle them.there are two tips of tackles.there is side hand tackle and hand tackle .if you tackle correctly then it will be holding the ball and the player should of dropped the ball .if you tackle on there necks or over it will be "high contact"and a free to the person who had the ball.and if you tackle them and the don't drop the ball it's the umpires decision for holding the ball or ball up.skill points
.always watch the ball carrier's hips
.move in close to the ball carriers
.grab the ball with both hands(frount - on the arms above the elbows;side- between the waist and arms).
.make shaw your head is in a safe position (to the side or back). Marks
A mark is when a person on your team kicks to onother person on your team and they catch it on the full.there are 7 types of ways to mark it.there is chest mark,hand mark,over head mark,one-handed mark ,two touch mark,uncontested mark , a contested mark and a speky. Chest mark - a chest mark is when you mark it on your chest.normally when you take a chest mark it is a uncontested mark skill points-.keep eyes on ball
.line up your body with the flight of the ball
.strech out your fingers and hands ,with palms up.tuck your elbows into the side of your body
.catch the ball using your arms and hands to guide the ball to your hands.
.hug the ball tightly to your chest.
Hand mark
A hand mark is a mark that u only mark it with only your can only be a hand mark if you hand mark it under your head.if you mark it above your head it is a overhead mark.
Skill points
Keep your eyes on the ball.line up your body with the flight of the ball.
.strech out your fingers towards the ball,with your thums behind the ball.
.strech out your arms-"long arms".
Overhead mark
An over head mark is a mark that you mark over your can do spekys doing overhead mark.when you do over head it's normally a contested mark. Skill points
Fingers stretched out, thums almost together,w position .
Grip the ball strongly with your figures.
One handed mark
A one hand mark is obviously a mark with one hand.skill points
.point fingures towardsthe ball
.arm outstretched
Mark behind the back
A mark behind the back is when you mark the ball behind your back.this mark very rear.
Contested mark
A contested mark is a very good mark
Uncontested mark
A uncontested mark is a very easy mark or another good mark.
A speky is when you jump on other people's sholders and mark the ball
What mark is that.look down
Bounceing the ball
Bounceing the ball is when you are running with the ball and you can only run 15 meters without bouncing the ball. Normally when you want ro run run run ,running into space or try to catch up with some one fast you probably will bounce the ball. Skill points
.Drop the ball on a 45 degre angle
Push down the ball with one hand
.the faster your running the further out frount the ball must be thrown. Kick
A kick is the most important possetion and most used possetion in football. There is a proper way to kick is called a drop need the ball to spin backwards to be a drop punt .you can also can kick a banana.a banana is used when your trying to kick a goal from the side .And a torpedo is when you want to kick very far.
Hand balling
Hand balling is a very common possession .you also need the ball to spin backwards when you do a handball but its very hard for kids to make the ball spin backwards .
A disposal is a possession which a possession is a kick or a handball .
Baulkling is a clever tactic used to evade an opposition player.the proper way to baulking is you look in the detection your pretend to handball or kick and turn around and run that way.skill points
. Look at the detection you are pretending to kick or handball.
There are 4 post in a goal . The ones in the middle are bigger then the smaller ones.if you kick it trough the middle it's 6 points.if you kick it trough the little post it will be only one point.